Results for 'Christopher A. Buneo'

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  1.  25
    On the limitations of imaging imagining.Christopher A. Buneo & Martha Flanders - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (2):202-203.
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    Perception of Arm Position in Three-Dimensional Space.Joshua Klein, Bryan Whitsell, Panagiotis K. Artemiadis & Christopher A. Buneo - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Sensorimotor transformations in the posterior parietal cortex.Richard Andersen, Daniella Meeker, Bijan Pesaran, Boris Breznen, Christopher Buneo & Hans Scherberger - 2004 - In Michael S. Gazzaniga, The Cognitive Neurosciences III. MIT Press.
  4. Fine-Tuning, Multiple Universes, and Self-Locating Beliefs.Christopher J. G. Meacham - forthcoming - In Daniel Rubio & Klaas J. Kraay, The Blackwell Companion to Philosophy and the Multiverse. Blackwell.
    Does the evidence that our universe contains fine-tuned life confirm the multiverse hypothesis? The answer depends on our approach to self-locating beliefs. In a recent paper, Isaacs, Hawthorne, and Russell (2022) offer two arguments for thinking that such evidence does confirm the multiverse hypothesis. First, they argue that the three leading approaches to self-locating beliefs all entail that such evidence confirms the multiverse hypothesis. Second, they present a pair of theorems showing that any approach to self-locating beliefs that satisfies certain (...)
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  5. Modality, truth, and mere picture thinking.Christopher James Masterman - 2025 - Synthese 205 (27):1-17.
    Many draw the distinction between truth in, and truth at, a possible world. The latter notion purportedly allows for propositions to be true relative to worlds even if they do not exist relative to those same worlds. Despite its wide application, the distinction is controversial. Some think that the notion of truth at a world is unintelligible. Here, I outline and discuss the most influential argument for the unintelligibility of truth at a world, The Picture Thinking Argument. I outline and (...)
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    Canadian Medical Assistance in Dying: Provider Concentration, Policy Capture, and Need for Reform.Christopher Lyon, Trudo Lemmens & Scott Y. H. Kim - forthcoming - American Journal of Bioethics:1-20.
    Canada’s rapid rise in deaths from euthanasia and physician assisted suicide, termed Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) in the country, now ranks it second only to the Netherlands in terms of MAiD deaths as percentage of overall deaths, with one province already hosting the highest rate of all jurisdictions in the world. Analyzing Health Canada’s annual MAID reports, which show that up to 336 out of 1837 providers are likely responsible for the majority of MAID deaths in a given year, (...)
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  7. Testimonial authority and knowledge transmission.Christoph Jäger & Nicholas Shackel - 2025 - Social Epistemology 2025.
    Is speaker knowledge necessary or sufficient for enabling hearers to know from testimony? Here, we offer a novel argument for the answer no, based on the systematic effects of partial belief and the hearer’s view prior to hearing testimony. Modelling partial belief by credence, we show that a requirement entailed by the principles of necessity and sufficiency apparent in the literature is inconsistent with Bayesian updating. Consequently, even when the other grounds of knowledge are in place, the audience correctly updating (...)
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    An interview with Christophe Vieu, directeur de recherche at LAAS, Toulouse, 8 December 2017. [REVIEW]Christophe Vieu & Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent - 2019 - Philosophia Scientiae 23:161-164.
    Plongé au cœur des nanos, Christophe Vieu souligne la diversité des secteurs touchés par l’approche nano. À l’idée d’une convergence des secteurs scientifiques, il oppose l’image d’une espèce invasive. Il se sent de ce fait investi d’une responsabilité de l’ensemble des technosciences.
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    Computational Complexity.Christopher Mole - 2025 - Open Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science.
    Designing effective computational systems is often a matter of finding ways in which simple logical operations can be combined to perform more complex tasks. Computer scientists therefore gauge the complexity of tasks by asking how many such operations would be needed to perform them. They are especially concerned with cases in which the number of these operations is so large that the task cannot feasibly be performed by computational means. This happens whenever a task that takes n bits of information (...)
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  10. II—Christopher Shields: The Peculiar Motion of Aristotelian Souls.Christopher Shields - 2007 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 81 (1):139-161.
    Aristotle has qualms about the movement of the soul. He contends directly, indeed, that ‘it is impossible that motion should belong to the soul’ (DA 406a2). This is surprising in both large and small ways. Still, when we appreciate the explanatory framework set by his hylomorphic analysis of change, we can see why Aristotle should think of the soul's motion as involving a kind of category mistake-not the putative Rylean mistake, but rather the mistake of treating a change as itself (...)
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  11. The call to freedom. Peter Weir's The Truman show and Sartrean freedom.Christopher Falzon - 2011 - In Jean-Pierre Boulé & Enda McCaffrey, Existentialism and contemporary cinema: a Sartrean perspective. New York: Berghahn Books.
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  12. Being known.Christopher Peacocke - 1999 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Being Known is a response to a philosophical challenge which arises for every area of thought: to reconcile a plausible account of what is involved in the truth of statements in a given area with a credible account of how we can know those statements. Christopher Peacocke presents a framework for addressing the challenge, a framework which links both the theory of knowledge and the theory of truth with the theory of concept-possession.
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  13. Chapter 24. Gerhard Ritter.Christoph Cornelissen - 2023 - In Marnie Hughes-Warrington & Daniel Woolf, History from loss: a global introduction to histories written from defeat, colonization, exile and imprisonment. New York: Routledge.
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    Health care ethics committees.Christopher D. Melley - 2001 - In H. Ten Have & Bert Gordijn, Bioethics in a European perspective. Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 239--259.
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  15. Reply : Rule-following.Christopher Peacocke - 1981 - In Steven H. Holtzman & Christopher M. Leich, Wittgenstein: To Follow a Rule. Boston: Routledge.
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    Six: Management and morality.Christopher McMahon - 1994 - In Authority and Democracy: A General Theory of Government and Management. Princeton University Press. pp. 169-193.
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  17. Judging what cannot be judged : the aporia of aesthetic critique.Christoph Menke - 2017 - In Vivasvan Soni & Thomas Pfau, Judgment and Action: Fragments toward a History. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.
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  18. Words and Images: An Essay on the Origin of Ideas.Christopher Gauker - 2011 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    At least since Locke, philosophers and psychologists have usually held that concepts arise out of sensory perceptions, thoughts are built from concepts, and language enables speakers to convey their thoughts to hearers. Christopher Gauker holds that this tradition is mistaken about both concepts and language. The mind cannot abstract the building blocks of thoughts from perceptual representations. More generally, we have no account of the origin of concepts that grants them the requisite independence from language. Gauker's alternative is to (...)
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  19. Two Distinctions about World-Relative Truth.Christopher James Masterman - forthcoming - Analysis.
    The distinction between truth in, and truth at, a possible world plays a significant role in many debates in modal metaphysics. In this note, I argue that there are two radically different ways of making the distinction precise. I argue that the differences matter, showing how they differently constrain the modal metaphysics of properties and propositions.
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    The Humble God.Christopher Ruddy - 2004 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 7 (3):87-108.
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    (1 other version)Landulph Caracciolo.Christopher Schabel - 2003 - In Jorge J. E. Gracia & Timothy B. Noone, A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 409–410.
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    (1 other version)Peter of Candia.Christopher Schabel - 2003 - In Jorge J. E. Gracia & Timothy B. Noone, A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 506–507.
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    Trustworthy AI: responses to commentators.Christoph Kelp & Mona Simion - 2025 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 4 (1):1-11.
    In ‘Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence’, we develop a novel account of how it is that AI can be trustworthy and what it takes for an AI to be trustworthy. In this paper, we respond to a suite of recent comments on this account, due to J. Adam Carter, Dong-yong Choi, Rune Nyrup, and Fei Song. We would like to thank all four for their thoughtful engagement with our work, as well as the Asian Journal of Philosophy for publishing the symposium on (...)
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  24. Deconstruction, anti–realism and philosophy of science—an interview with Christopher Norris.Christopher Norris & Marianna Papastephanou - 2002 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 36 (2):265–289.
    In this interview, Christopher Norris discusses a wide range of issues having to do with postmodernism, deconstruction and other controversial topics of debate within present-day philosophy and critical theory. More specifically he challenges the view of deconstruction as just another offshoot of the broader postmodernist trend in cultural studies and the social sciences. Norris puts the case for deconstruction as continuing the 'unfinished project of modernity' and—in particular—for Derrida's work as sustaining the values of enlightened critical reason in various (...)
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    Teaching science and religion in the twenty‐first century: The many pedagogical roles of Christopher Southgate.Christopher Corbally & Margaret Boone Rappaport - 2018 - Zygon 53 (3):897-908.
    With the goal of understanding how Christopher Southgate communicates his in-depth knowledge of both science and theology, we investigated the many roles he assumes as a teacher. We settled upon wide-ranging topics that all intertwine: (1) his roles as author and coordinating editor of a premier textbook on science and theology, now in its third edition; (2) his oral presentations worldwide, including plenaries, workshops, and short courses; and (3) the team teaching approach itself, which is often needed by others (...)
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    Evolutionary debunking arguments, moral knowledge and underdetermination.Christopher Noonan - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Sharon Street’s influential Darwinian Dilemma argues that moral realism is incompatible with moral knowledge. In this paper I argue that Street’s argument cannot give us reason to reject moral realism. This is because the debunker’s own arguments imply that our evidence for the claim that we have moral knowledge underdetermines its truth. Furthermore, the final part of the Street’s argument, where she infers that moral realism must be false because we have moral knowledge, commits her to the view that underdetermining (...)
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    Third-Factor Explanations in Epistemological Explanationism.Christopher Noonan - 2024 - Logos and Episteme 15 (4):475-496.
    According to explanationism about epistemic defeat, our attitude towards the explanation of our belief in P can sometimes defeat our justification for holding that belief. In this paper I argue for the superiority of a particular version of explanationism which is considered and rejected by Korman and Locke (2023). According to this position our belief in P is defeated if we are not entitled to believe it is either (i) explained by P (i.e econnected), or (ii) explained by some third-factor (...)
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  28. Gerhard Ritter (1888-1967).Christoph Cornelissen - 2023 - In Marnie Hughes-Warrington & Daniel Woolf, History from loss: a global introduction to histories written from defeat, colonization, exile and imprisonment. New York: Routledge.
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    (1 other version)Warum Rechte?Christoph Menke - 2016 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 7 (2):71-76.
    "Das Rechtssystem geht davon aus, dass der Mensch – und nur der Mensch – eine natürliche Person ist. Das sei ein Irrtum, argumentiert Malte-Christian Gruber, denn die Rechtssubjektivität wird keineswegs alleine mit dem bloßen Menschsein begründet. Es ist die sittliche Autonomie, die den Menschen zu einem »Subjekt, dessen Handlungen einer Zurechnung fähig sind« (Kant) und mithin zur Person macht. Personen werden nicht mit dem Menschsein als solchem identifiziert, sondern durch die Zuschreibung von Handlungs- und Rechtsträgerschaft. Eine solche funktionale Vorstellung von (...)
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    Justice and Global Health.Christopher Lowry & Udo Schüklenk - 2009 - In John-Stewart Gordon, Michael Boylan, Robert Paul Churchill, James A. Donahue, Marcus Duwell, Dale Jacquette, Tanja Kohen, Christopher Lowry, Seumas Miller, Gabriel Palmer-Fernandez, Johann-Christian Poder, Edward H. Spence, Udo Schuklenk, Wanda Teays & Rosemarie Tong, Morality and Justice: Reading Boylan's a Just Society. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. pp. 161-177.
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    The Logic of Conventional Implicatures.Christopher Potts - 2004 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This book revives the study of conventional implicatures in natural language semantics. H. Paul Grice first defined the concept. Since then his definition has seen much use and many redefinitions, but it has never enjoyed a stable place in linguistic theory. Christopher Potts returns to the original and uses it as a key into two presently under-studied areas of natural language: supplements and expressives. The account of both depends on a theory in which sentence meanings can be multidimensional. The (...)
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    The Divine Irruption in Gene Wolf's The Book of the Long Sun.Christopher Beiting - 2008 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 11 (3):86-104.
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    Affectivité et imaginaire chez Merleau-Ponty: Nouvelles lectures.Christopher Lapierre - 2016 - Studia Phaenomenologica 16:551-588.
    The objective of this paper is to show that the specific meaning of “affectivity” in Merleau-Ponty’s works can be better understood by approaching its connection with the notion of “imagination”. This strategy can be contrasted with Sartre’s approach; his specific conception of consciousness locks off the relation between imagination and affectivity from the start. On the contrary, the free play of this axis, which can be analysed since the early Phenomenology of Perception, allows for the overflowing of the horizon of (...)
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    Politiques de l'amour de soi: La Boétie, Montaigne et Pascal au démêlé.Christophe Litwin - 2021 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    Initiation de l'amitié -- En lisant en écrivant -- Le dérèglement originel de l'amour de soi humain -- Au démêlé avec Pascal -- Montaigne législateur? -- "Mointaigne a tort" -- "La justice est sujette à dispute" -- L'injustice du moi -- Pascal et Hobbes -- Le règlement de la dispute -- Une vraisemblance de justice.
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  35. 'Another I': Representing Conscious States, Perception, and Others.Christopher Peacocke - 2005 - In José Luis Bermúdez, Thought, reference, and experience: themes from the philosophy of Gareth Evans. New York : Oxford University Press: Clarendon Press.
    What is it for a thinker to possess the concept of perceptual experience? What is it to be able to think of seeings, hearings and touchings, and to be able to think of experiences that are subjectively like seeings, hearings and touchings?
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    Reading opera between the lines: orchestral interludes and cultural meaning from Wagner to Berg.Christopher Morris - 2002 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    A characteristic feature of Wagnerian and post-Wagnerian opera is the tendency to link scenes with numerous and often surprisingly lengthy orchestral interludes, frequently performed with the curtain closed. Often taken for granted or treated as a filler by audiences and critics, these interludes can take on very prominent roles, representing dream sequences, journeys and sexual encounters, and in some cases becoming a highlight of the opera. Christopher Morris investigates the implications of these important but strangely overlooked passages. Combining close (...)
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    Autonomie und Befreiung.Christoph Menke - 2010 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 58 (5):675-694.
    The „left Hegelian” interpretation of Hegel′s theory of Sittlichkeit has shown that the claim of the concept of autonomy to establish an internal connection between normativity and freedom can only be carried out, if the subject of autonomy is defined by its participation in social practices. While the left Hegelian interpretation thereby solves the paradoxes of the Kantian tradition of understanding autonomy, it is destined to repeat the paradoxical structure of autonomy in a new and fundamental form. This follows from (...)
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    The Elements of Teacher Knowledge and Know‐How.Christopher Winch - 2017 - In Teachers' know-how: a philosophical investigation. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 77–96.
    The focus of this chapter's discussion is on the specific nature of teacher knowledge, including KT (propositional knowledge), KH (know‐how), KA (knowledge by acquaintance) and their interrelationship. There are features of teaching that it may share with other occupations, namely those associated with craft, executive technician and technician occupations. There are also features of teacher knowledge that are specific to teaching, which receive attention in the literature.
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    Five: Democracy.Christopher McMahon - 1994 - In Authority and Democracy: A General Theory of Government and Management. Princeton University Press. pp. 128-166.
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    Two: Authority.Christopher McMahon - 1994 - In Authority and Democracy: A General Theory of Government and Management. Princeton University Press. pp. 25-51.
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    Realism and Rationality.Christopher H. Achen - 2024 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 36 (4):541-559.
    This article takes up the important recent argument of Mearsheimer and Rosato that states are rational in their foreign policy behavior and that their rationality can be defined in terms of the quality of their decision-making process. In particular, they define a state decision as rational if the decision makers engage in a deliberative process with a final choice based on a credible theory. First, I take up other notions of rationality familiar from the statistical and economic literature, arguing that (...)
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    L’émigrant et son ombre.Christophe David - 2023 - Cahiers Philosophiques 170 (3):15-32.
    Anders s’est toujours intéressé à Nietzsche. Devenu philosophe, c’est à travers la question des valeurs qu’il le croise lorsqu’il entreprend d’écrire une Kulturphilosophie. S’il le fascine tant, c’est pour avoir osé dénoncer l’absence de fondement de la morale. Mais, même fasciné, Anders n’est pas homme à suspendre la tendance fondamentalement critique de sa pensée : l’idéal d’une surhumanité que Nietzsche a proposé pour dépasser l’humanité bricoleuse de morales lui semble s’engager sur un terrain politiquement irrecevable. Déterminant la décadence du monde (...)
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    Seneca: De Clementia (review).Christopher Whitton - 2011 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 104 (3):370-371.
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    Reilly and the Republic in 2020.Christopher James Wolfe - 2021 - Catholic Social Science Review 26:39-49.
    Robert Reilly’s America on Trial presents a lengthy defense of the principles of the American Founding against recent critiques, especially focusing on those written from a Catholic perspective. His book finds a place in a larger discussion of American Catholic political thought that has been going on for more than a century. I first situate Reilly’s book within that debate, and then argue that Reilly’s account is correct on most counts. Some loose ends remain, but they can be dealt with (...)
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    Indigenous Wisdom and Underground Knowledge Are Exceptional.Christopher Quasti & Dominic Sisti - 2025 - American Journal of Bioethics 25 (1):105-106.
    Psychedelic researchers and therapists must contend with the fact that psychedelics are highly scrutinized to a degree that does appear to be problematically exceptional. That said, we believe there are a few areas where such exceptionalism is warranted, and a refined bioethical paradigm might help advance psychedelic practice and research.
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    Heterogeneity and Historicity: On What Makes Art Contemporary.Christopher Earley - forthcoming - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics.
    Contemporary art is a category that can admit art made in any medium, form, genre, and style. However, this unprecedented heterogeneity can make it difficult to understand what makes contemporary art distinct from other kinds of art. In this article, I aim to provide an account of what makes art contemporary. I develop my position by focussing on philosophy of contemporary art emerging from the so-called analytic tradition. I argue that though these philosophers have reckoned with many of the puzzles (...)
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    The Mirror of the World: Subjects, Consciousness, and Self-Consciousness.Christopher Peacocke - 2014 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Christopher Peacocke presents a new theory of subjects of consciousness, together with a theory of the nature of first person representation. He identifies three sorts of self-consciousness--perspectival, reflective, and interpersonal--and argues that they are key to explaining features of our knowledge, social relations, and emotional lives.
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    Superlongevity and African Ethics.Christopher S. Wareham - forthcoming - Journal of Applied Philosophy.
    I apply African moral precepts to the topic of ‘superlongevity’. I make the case that African theories give rise to three specific sorts of moral concern about life extension that are distinct from similar objections in Western literature: first, superlongevity presents a challenge to identity; second, significantly longer lives face increased challenges to their meaningfulness; third, life extension may be socially divisive, undermining key tenets of sharing a way of life and communing harmoniously with others. Although these distinctive concerns are (...)
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    Hate Crime Legislation as an Antidote to Hate Ideology.Christopher Heath Wellman - 2024 - Social Philosophy and Policy 41 (1):256-273.
    Given the prevalence of hate ideology, a concerted, multipronged effort to combat it clearly seems in order. In this essay, I explore whether hate crime legislation is a permissible and advisable component of this effort. In particular, I consider whether it is morally permissible to impose enhanced punishments upon criminals who select their victims at least in part because of an animus toward members of the group to which the victim belongs. Would it be permissible to punish more severely a (...)
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  50. Serious Actualism and Nonexistence.Christopher James Masterman - 2024 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy (3):658-674.
    Serious actualism is the view that it is metaphysically impossible for an entity to have a property, or stand in a relation, and not exist. Fine (1985) and Pollock (1985) influentially argue that this view is false. In short, there are properties like the property of nonexistence, and it is metaphysically possible that some entity both exemplifies such a property and does not exist. I argue that such arguments are indeed successful against the standard formulation of serious actualism. However, I (...)
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